The school was founded in 2010 by local forces in Kanyama, a poverty-stricken district of the outskirts of Lusaka in Zambia, with approximately 1 million inhabitants. The first years there were about 40 students across four classes, in addition to baby class and reception. After a few years, it was decided that we should expand by one class each year until we could provide full primary school with exam-rights. As of 2023 there are over 200 students at our school. We have educated teachers graduated from school, which was a requirement from the state in 2019. In addition, two assistants, a night watch, financial manager, accountant and director work at the school. The first 7th graders had their graduation in 2018. The curriculum is the same across all schools in the country, and the official schoolbooks are all therefore the same as well. The school is registered with the government, and we pay yearly expenses and taxes.

The students come from families in Kanyama, and most of them wouldn’t have had the chance to go to school if they weren’t attending ours. The reason being that the families are often big and poor, and cannot afford enrolling all their children in school. Those who are last in line are often the girls, or «those that we keep». These are often orphaned children the families have taken in, relatives or neighbours. Most families have one or two they have taken in.

In Zambia, one has to pay school fees in order to attend school. If they cannot pay, they are «chased» from the school. This leads to education becoming harder to achieve, and many won’t be able to finish school, or even start their education at all. Furthermore, this can lead to recklessness and crime, and is the way into bad relations and a life of poverty.

The Project and our Vision

SamZam – Lifting the Community Together

Currently, our project consists of the school; Samnanger Faith Academy (SFA). The school is for children from poor families in the Kanyama compound in Lusaka, in order to provide them with the opportunity to find their way out of poverty, which affects so many. We believe this is best solved through education and learning. However, there are of course many other things we need in order to beat poverty, and our wish is to contribute even more. The Dream Project would be to buy our own property, big enough for a school, a health-center, areas for growing our own produce, and other facilities that will contribute to increase the standard of living.

Pictures on the left and right are from 2014, whilst the picture below is from “Back to School“ in september, 2023.